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Get to Know the Savur Outdoors Pro Staff: Loriann Bowman

Writer's picture: Cam SteeleCam Steele

Over the next little while, we at Savur Outdoors are going to be introducing you to some of our pro staff team members so you can see who is out there representing Savur Outdoors, maybe even in your neck of the woods. We figured what better way than with a fun little interview! This time we've got Loriann Bowman in the hot seat! In addition to Savur Outdoors, she is out there representing Pure Whitetail, Feradyne, Raving, Tactacam, Lick'em Stick'em, Treezyn, Velocity Outdoors, Untamed Outdoors, and even more than that. She introduces herself a lot better than I can though, so I'm going to let her take it from here!

Born in Mississippi, to a military family, I was raised with an enthusiasm for the outdoors starting at a very young age. Whether it be outings to parks, the “back bay” or the islands in the Gulf of Mexico and surrounding beaches, we were always on an adventure! We moved many time as I grew, and always found a way to enjoy and interact with nature. In Florida, we were swimming in the ocean and walking everyday to see sights the average tourist would never find. In Pennsylvania, we were sledding and “tunneling” through the snow. In Germany, we were skiing, zip lining, finding our way through the countryside to the castle we spotted on top of the mountain, and “volksmarching”. I’ve semi-settled in the Washington, DC area where the surrounding area is full of rich history, wonderful trails, and a huge variety of cultures. An adventurers paradise!

Throughout my life’s adventures, I have always gone fishing and hunting. I’ve always looked forward to new flavors and variety of foods, to test my pallet, and have found very little I won’t eat. Hunting has provided a way for me to know the sources of my fresh protein diet, and also find the peace and adventure my soul thrives upon. I am primarily hunting whitetail in Maryland and I bowfish in the local rivers for my favorite fish, Northern Snakehead. I have several sponsors and am a team member for many companies and organizations. I help manage two hunting clubs and love guiding and chartering.

Savur Outdoors: How long have you been fishing?

Loriann Bowman: 46 Years

SO: What is your earliest fishing memory?

LB: Getting a mackerel net dumped at my feet.

SO: Who's your fishing hero?

LB: My father.

SO: When was the last time you fun-fished, and what did you fish for?

LB: Snakehead on October 8, 2021.

SO: What's your home body of water?

LB: Potomac River

SO: What's your favorite Savur Outdoors product?

LB: BowSavur on my bowfishing bows for my charters.

SO: Tell us your lost rod/bow/gear story.

LB: One of our party had been complaining all night that his bow was not acting properly, so the captain decided to allow him to use his personal bow. About three shots in, he drew back and dropped the shot, also dropping the captain’s bow to the bottom of the river. Even after diving in for it, there was no way to recover it. Now with Savur products on every piece of valued equipment, we never have to worry about that again.

SO: What song do you typically listen to on the way to the water?

LB: Are You Ready by AC/DC

SO: What do you do when you aren't fishing?

LB: Hunt/Work

SO: Coffee or soda?

LB: Coffee

SO: What's your favorite TV show of all time?

LB: Walking Dead

SO: What's food is your guilty pleasure?

LB: Mexican Wedding Cookies

SO: What is your hidden or surprising talent?

LB: Leadership Skills, Master Negotiator, and I can drive anything.

Make sure you follow Loriann's adventures on Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok and check out the next blog to see who we talk about next!


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